VISAGE, FLORA, FACET & BEVELECLIPSE/BronzinoCurved MatrixAs If A MirrorThrough the Looking GlassesFamily Portraits and FloraHildegard Von Bingen's ORDO VIRTUTUMORDO VIRTUTUM ImagesCORONA: BlendsOut of DarknessThe Fence 2020Forest BathingLintels, Bi Squares, and Cross/Walks: George Lawson Gallery, PhotoLAOver/Time: Imaging Landscape, CAM RaleighOver/time: Imaging Landscape360ºOver/Time: GRIDSSilver Screen: Dancers, George Lawson GallerySILVER SCREEN: The BookSilver Screen Installations: University Place, Chapel HillIn Conversation with George LawsonSound + Image CollaborationsHorace Williams House: Sound + Image: Collaborations
Instagram AccountVISAGE, FLORA, FACET & BEVELAs If A Mirror StatementResuméANTI-SELFIES Artist StatementArtist StatementLENSCRATCH FeatureBioEssays and ReviewsBlog